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A few quick answers to common questions asked by our clients

1. Is it really effective ? Did you release sterile mosquitoes and it works ?

 Yes. By now Senecio released sterile male mosquitoes at hundreds of locations with great success. We have had paying municipalities as well as paying residents.

View our Testimonial page to hear what they say about the product and service.


2. How much time does it take to treat a house ?

It takes less than 5 minutes to treat a single house


3. Can we keep our regular routine ? we have pets... do we need to take them out ?

You can keep you pets, bunnies, dogs, turtles, babies and others... This is a green, natural solution.

As opposed to chemicals, you can keep business as usual.


4. Great. How much does it cost ?

Depends on property size. We work with a local distributor. Please contact to get a quote and to check if you are in the service area.


5. What areas do you serve ?

As of 2023 we operate across different areas within Israel. Please contact or apply for our client list to check if you are within the service area.


6. After how much time can I expect a reduction in mosquito bites in my garden ?

Typically, within 2 - 4 weeks based on our previous experience.

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