Fatal Attraction
SIT targets specific mosquito species without harming beneficial insects and the environment.
The mosquitos cannot develop resistance, as they do with chemical insecticides.
It achieves long-term population suppression.
Significantly reduces reproduction.
Reduces reliance on harmful chemicals

The Current Limitation: Cost and Complexity
Rearing, sterilization, sorting, packaging and releasing sterile mosquitoes require significant resources.
Traditional SIT methods are labor-intensive and costly, limiting large-scale adoption.

Our Solution
Senecio Robotics automates key aspects of SIT with an AI based robotic system.
Our robots efficiently identify, sort and pack only male mosquitoes for sterilization and release.
This greatly reduces labour costs and makes SIT a cost-competitive alternative to chemical insecticides.
Enables large-scale deployment of SIT for effective mosquito control programs.
The Technology
Robotic conveyor for gentle mosquito handling using unique patented methodology
AI deep learning for real-time mosquito identification based on subtle anatomical differences.
High-throughput processing for large-scale mosquito sorting and packaging

End-to-End System
Turn-key robotic solution from rearing to dispersing on land or by air.
We provide a cost-effective path for global SIT implementation.
Client Testimonials
Sterile Insect Technique (SIT) is the gold standard when eliminating local mosquito populations:
It disrupts mosquito breeding by releasing sterile males, who mate with local females producing no progeny.
Male mosquitoes do not bite or spread disease
Females mate once in their lifetime, so an abundance of sterile males significantly reduces reproduction.